Customer Support

Please use the form below to submit a customer support inquiry.

We want you to be satisfied with the products you chose to install in your space.  For our customers located within Fayette and Coweta counties, we offer one free service call for up to 1 year following the date of installation.  A service call includes services such as adjusting cabinet doors/drawers, adjusting cabinet hardware, and minor cabinet touch ups and repairs.  For service calls outside of Fayette county or beyond 1 year of installation, contact us for pricing.  

All product manufacturer’s warranties are assigned to the customer at time of installation.  For inquiries related to product workmanship, defects and failure to properly perform, please reach out to the cabinet manufacturer.

    If this is a service request regarding a prior project or product purchase, please provide the following information:

    Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in the future.